Since this site is for women helping women. I thought I would seek your advise for an email I received today. What is it that you do when you have one of those days that it seems all you can do is cry?
This is the email I received.
Are you out there (online) today?
I am having one of those days!! Is there anything, I mean anything that you have found helps when you have one of those days that it seems all you can do is cry? I need something to snap me out of this; I don't have time for it and I cannot focus like this.
I am having one of those days!! Is there anything, I mean anything that you have found helps when you have one of those days that it seems all you can do is cry? I need something to snap me out of this; I don't have time for it and I cannot focus like this.
1 comment:
Sorry, Didn't see this note. I thought it was set to email me when we had a new comments. I'll have to check into that.
My thoughts on your feelings of depression...
The question is. Do you have a reason to feel sad and is this crying a form of grief? Or, do you know that things are going great and you still feel like crying for no good reason?
That happens to me sometimes and I feel so guilty that I try not to tell anyone how sad I feel!
What helps me is to figure out what I usually do that cheers me up and stop everything and try to do that - just for me! For me, I feel sad when I GIVE TOO MUCH to other people and don't do anything just for myself.
Sometimes it's taking time to write on my blogsite! Other times it's going out for a hot fudge ice cream cone! (Forget the diet - and don't feel guilty about it!)
Everyone has something they enjoy but most of us women never take time for what WE love doing.
Hope this helps and if you want more of my ideas, write again.
Do Ms. Hodgepodge and The Cat's Meow have anthing to add?
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